WCS 3-Sentence Science
A First for a Bat Species
December 26, 2019
Each year, Wildlife Conservation Society scientists publish more than 300 peer-reviewed studies and papers. “WCS 3-Sentence Science” is a regular tip-sheet — in bite sized helpings — of some of this published work.
Here we present work by WCS’s Sarah Olson and Kirk Silas on an unusual deformit in an individual of the Townsend’s big-eared bat.
- Scientists report a case of diphallia — or penile duplication — in a bat, Townsend’s big-eared bat (Corynorhinus totonsendii), captured during fall swarming at a hibernaculum in northern Utah, USA.
- Upon examination, they determined that one phallus was functional, as evidenced by production of urine, while the secondary phallus appeared to be overgrown with skin.
- Researchers hypothesize that this morphological deformity likely has a low impact on the survival of this individual but may act as a physical barrier to copulation.
Study and Journal: “First reported case of diphallia in Corynorhinus townsendii” from Western North American Naturalist
WCS Co-Author(s): Sarah Olson, WCS Associate Director of Wildlife Epidemiology; Kirk Silas, Wildlife Conservation Society
For more information, contact: Stephen Sautner, 718–220–3682, ssautner@wcs.org.