WCS 3-Sentence Science
Penguins Are Not Eating Your Lunch
June 21, 2019
Each year, Wildlife Conservation Society scientists publish more than 300 peer-reviewed studies and papers. “WCS 3-Sentence Science” is a regular tip-sheet — in bite sized helpings — of some of this published work.
Here we present work by WCS Argentina’s Pablo Yorio on the relationship between Magellanic penguins and fisheries in northern Argentina:
- Researchers examined the diets of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) at two breeding colonies in northern Argentina that were close to commercial fishing areas.
- They found that the diets varied with each colony and included a variety of prey species, but commercially valuable Argentine Hake (Merluccius hubbsi) and Argentine Shortfin Squid (Illex argentinus) were not widely consumed.
- These findings suggest a low trophic overlap with commercial fisheries, and helps further the understanding potential penguin-fishery interactions.
Study and Journal: “Diet composition of expanding breeding populations of the Magellanic Penguin” from Marine Biology Research
WCS Co-Author(s): Pablo Yorio , WCS Argentina Program
For more information, contact: Stephen Sautner, 718–220–3682, ssautner@wcs.org.