WCS 3-Sentence Science
Understanding the Full Range of Infrastructure Impacts
January 16, 2020
Each year, Wildlife Conservation Society scientists publish more than 300 peer-reviewed studies and papers. “WCS 3-Sentence Science” is a regular tip-sheet — in bite sized helpings — of some of this published work.
Here we present work by WCS’s Justina Ray and James Watson on understanding growth-inducing infrastucture impacts on the environment:
- Growth-inducing infrastructure, such as electrical transmission lines, and roads open intact areas, induce or intensify industrial development, and accelerate carbon emissions.
- Yet decision makers often ignore the secondary, growth‐induced effects and full range of impacts, even though they can outweigh the impacts of the initial development.
- In this study, researchers identify the characteristics of growth‐inducing infrastructure and provide an overview of methods and policy that can facilitate a deliberate assessment of these keystone decisions.
Study and Journal: “Growth‐inducing infrastructure represents transformative yet ignored keystone environmental decisions” from Conservation Letters
WCS Co-Author(s): Justina Ray, President, WCS Canada; James Watson , Director, WCS Science and Research Initiative
For more information, contact: Stephen Sautner, 718–220–3682, ssautner@wcs.org.