WCS 3-Sentence Science
Youth Shall Inherit the Biosphere Reserve
October 31, 2019
Each year, Wildlife Conservation Society scientists publish more than 300 peer-reviewed studies and papers. “WCS 3-Sentence Science” is a regular tip-sheet — in bite sized helpings — of some of this published work.
Here we present work by the WCS Guatemala Program to encourage greater participation by young people in protecting nature.
- Researchers held a workshop for youth living in the Maya Biosphere Reserve in Uaxactun, Guatemala to better understand their perspectives and the nature of their connection to local forests and the community as a whole.
- The workshop revealed strong connections between village youth, their community, and their forest, but also their limited knowledge of community projects and processes.
- The workshop became the catalyst for participating youth to approach community leaders to request a greater voice and engagement in community decision making and management.
Study and Journal: “Youth, forests and community in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Petén, Guatemala” from World Development Perspectives
WCS Co-Author(s): Julian Zetina (Lead), WCS Guatemala Program ; Roan McNab, WCS Guatemala Program
For more information, contact: Stephen Sautner, 718–220–3682, ssautner@wcs.org.